In today’s competitive corporate speaking market, a corporate speaker must create a digital presence as well as a “successful and established” brand in order to increase their bookings. Over the past five years, the speaking industry has transformed. In the past, companies relied on Speakers Bureaus, which often times list over 1,000 speakers in order to find the speaker for their corporate event.
Today’s executive assistants, meeting planners and committee leaders perform searches for speakers in the city of their convention or event. Our incredible social media team positions you, along with your “specific city” bureau in multiple social media platforms and employs proven strategies to increase rankings and indexing. Today’s corporate speaker must be active and visible on multiple social media platforms to create consistent bookings.
Level 1 Marketing
Join the exclusive team of speakers (Maximum of 50) in one of our cities. You will be listed categorically on one (1) of our city bureau sites. For instance, you would be listed under “Leadership” Speakers in your city of choice.
What You Get
- Listed categorically on specific city bureau website.
- Maximum of 10 speakers in a category.
- Maximum of 50 speakers on exclusive bureau site.
- Your own custom page within your category.
What We Do
- Our social media team positions you as an expert in your city.
- Increase visibility and indexing by posting your link, image or bureau site in your market multiple times per week
- Create branded image of you for social media marketing
- Post your exclusive city bureau on multiple social media platforms multiple times per week.
- Post our national bureau everyday, which contains your city.
- Increase your visibility and increase your brand.
- When the inquiries come in, you are one of the few in your category for recommendation.
Investment: $100 per month/12 month agreement * (Click here to start our partnership and build your speaking career)
Level 2 Marketing
Join the exclusive team of speakers (Maximum of 50) in five (5) of our cities. You will be listed categorically on five (5) of our city bureau sites. For instance, you would be listed under “Leadership” Speakers on five (5) available bureau sites.
What You Get
- Listed categorically on five (5) specific city bureau websites.
- Maximum of 10 speakers in a category.
- Maximum of 50 speakers on exclusive bureau site. (Compared to other bureau sites hosting 1,500+)
- Your own custom page within your category on each site.
What We Do
- Our social media team positions you as an expert in your cities.
- Increase visibility and indexing by posting your link, image or bureau site in your markets multiple times per week
- Create branded image of you for social media marketing
- Post your exclusive city bureau on multiple social media platforms multiple times per week.
- Post our national bureau everyday, which contains your city.
- Increase your visibility and increase your brand.
- When the inquiries come in, you are one of the few in your category for recommendation.
Investment: $300 per month/12 month agreement *(Click here to start our partnership and build your speaking career)
Level 3 Marketing
Join the exclusive team of speakers (Maximum of 50) in ten (10) of our cities. You will be listed categorically on ten (10) of our city bureau sites. For instance, you would be listed under “Leadership” Speakers on ten (10) available* bureau sites.
What You Get
- Listed categorically on ten (10) specific city bureau websites.
- Maximum of 10 speakers in a category.
- Maximum of 50 speakers on exclusive bureau site. (Compared to other bureau sites hosting 1,500+)
- Your own custom page within your category on each site.
What We Do
- Our social media team positions you as an expert in your cities.
- Increase visibility and indexing by posting your link, image or bureau site in your markets multiple times per week
- Create branded image of you for social media marketing
- Post your exclusive city bureau on multiple social media platforms multiple times per week.
- Post our national bureau everyday, which contains your city.
- Increase your visibility and increase your brand.
- When the inquiries come in, you are one of the few in your category for recommendation.
Investment: $500 per month/12 month agreement *(Click here to start our partnership and build your speaking career)
* By participating in the Speaker Marketing Program, the “Speaker” understands the participation in the Speaker Marketing program is not a guarantee to book paid speaking engagements. The Speaker Marketing Program is designed to provide exposure to speakers on a number of social media platforms as well as selected speakers bureau city-based sites to establish the speaker as a established, successful speaker and to increase visibility.